It is our great pleasure that Yohanna Joseph Waliya, Nigerian digital poet, novelist, and playwright, has become CoLaboArthon representative for Africa.
Results of that collaboration are coming soon through African Electronic Literature Festival of Interactive Poetry - CoLaboArthon, collaboration on AELAIWC 2021 conference, Nigeria, and Climathon Belgrade. [more ...]
CoLaboArthon is a framework/initiative for a rapid collective, and interdisciplinary research, education, artistic and collective creation of knowledge, collective awareness, ideas and emotions. Its outcome is a collective piece of art+research, usually performed for a social innovation and change.

It is focused on deeply needed engaged dialogue between Art and Science on contemporary social topics, enabled through uniting technology and humane/humanitarian methodologies.
CoLaboArthon is designed by ChaOS and partners - listed below.
CoLaboArthon, and projects developed on top of it, are supported by
Republic of Serbia
CoLaboArthon gathered the international consortium of partners and experts
ELO Conference Committee selected and invited CoLaboArthon project to be presented at the ELO Conference and Media Arts Festival, Ireland, July 2019
Follow us, join some of the CoLaboArthons:
Some of the featured CoLaboArthons:
- Hand and Voice - it enabled deaf teens to co-create & co-perform with poets (more at
- poetic dialogue on topic “Poetry on the road - Refugees and Migrants”, gathering 50+ poets, collectively writing in 10 languages; it inspired IT (Sci) + Art presentations and performances (more at
- a set of Artivism+Sustainable-Development Workshop-performances, including: Performing The World conference, New York:, InSEA, Malta:

Take a look at the CoLaboArthon Presentation (illustrated PDF).
The CoLaboArthon is built on Dialogical Science, Multi-media/modal Storytelling
The CoLaboArthon is enabled and built around the CoLabo.Space ecosystem - that integrates IT Online tools and methodologies (mobile UX / HCI, Machine Learning, ColaboWare UI, knowledge mapping, clustering and matching mecahnisms, etc), as illustrated:

CoLaboArthon is a novel model of a rapid, but highly energized process of collaborative research and co-creation between (socially engaged) art and science, between cognitive and emotional, often addressing complex and wicked problems. Its collective space is IT-augmented with the Colabo.Space ecosystem. It is a place for a multidisciplinary dialogue on emotional and rational level, and for finding highly-creative and emotionally-energized solutions and ideas through utilizing collective creativity and wisdom.
CoLaboArthons are executed internationally - both offline (in several European countries, Americas and Asia) and online.

The created solutions are consequently orchestrated in a crowdsourced, multidisciplinary, interactive and playful performance, aiming to communicate, change behaviors and inspire further research and artistic creation. In this way CoLaboArthon aims to close the broken loop between Society, Art and Science and gives a voice to community.
CoLaboArthon gives a rare opportunity to its participants to understand cultural and personal differences and to improve their artistic or scientific skills based on these experiences.
If you want to run your own CoLaboArthon, we invite you to contact us so that we share with you the CoLaboArthon methodology, the goals and the “ecosystem” that empowers and enables it.

CoLaboArthon is designed by ChaOS and partners, highly influenced by Knowledge Federation principles, and professional collaborators and community through an open design approach.

During the process of a CoLaboArthon, participants get informed of topics and existing knowledge in the domain of that specific CoLaboArthon.

Motivation. Mission. Objectives
CoLaboArthon aims to provide methodologies and fruitful (cyber-)space for collaboration of otherwise disconnected interdisciplinary creatives, researchers, practitioners and to provide motivation and instances for uniting them around humane socially engaged art+science projects and goals that tend to improve behaviour toward social good and bring good social change.

In storytelling process (through role playing) we are connecting our individual stories with collective story - bringing to our senses this model of collaboration in which participants (even opposed stakeholders) have equal voice, even goals.
This represents a systemic approach, saying that no sustainable solution or at least no customized solution is possible without all stakeholders being involved, or at least without emotional playing of their role.
For the same reason, we don’t want of participants just to create a poetry and to develop creativity through writing an individual poem. Instead we motivate them to write and perform a collective poetry, to develop a collective creativity, co-creation, and social intelligence.

Execution, Research, and Development
CoLaboArthon workshop is usually executed by one or more ChaOS representatives and/or partners, executed offline and online, and mostly supported by our IT technologies.
Our practice and methodologies are supported and developed by several researchers, artists, collaborators, and advisors; among others (sorted alphabetically):
- Elvio Ceci, PhD researcher, poet, formal linguist; Italy / Serbia
- Djordje Djordjevic, performer, poet, teacher; Serbia
- Rozalia Forai, holistic physiotherapist and certified yoga instructor; Serbia
- Bob Holman, poet and poetry activist, publisher, producer, university professor; United States of America
- prof. Dino Karabeg, Systemic Thinking, Information design, Epistemology, Knowledge Federation; Norway
- Lazar Kovacevic, MSc, entrepreneur and independent researcher; Serbia
- Gregory Kushner, interactive gaming; Russia
- Oleg Muromtsev, musician, poet, physicist, educator; Russia
- prof. Tamara Nikolic, Adult Education, University of Belgrade; Serbia
- Ivanka Radmanovic, fashion designer, writer, yoga instructor; Serbia
- assoc. prof. Eugenia K. Rudan, researcher, comparative literature, digital humanities, multilingualism; Russia / United Kingdom
- Olivera Skerlic, poet, English teacher, interpreter; Serbia
- prof. Bojana Skorc, Psychology of Creativity, Creativity in Interaction, University of Belgrade; Serbia
- Marc Smith, poet and founder of the poetry slam movement; United States of America
- Sonja Stellini, jazz singer and philanthropist; Malta

In different phases of workshop we are Exercising and Developing Collective Mind Awareness through the set of body and mind exercises, developed through cooperation with R. Forai. We practice to listen not only ourselves but others; we are extending our focus from only emotional intelligence to social intelligence.
By enabling an interactive online coaching and collaboration by experienced creatives/artists, we increase quality and richness of the Final Play as well as of the development process.
The final result of CoLaboArthon is a crowdsourced multidisciplinary interactive playful performance, a jamming session - expressions, attitudes and emotions energized by poetry and music.
Yet, it is not just a poetic piece, nor its presentation, but rather a structured interactive game, tending to be a play, through which we introduce practicing of identified solutions through an artistic expression.
The performance is semi-defined through the 60-80% of fixed rules which provides its stability, while the rest of its content is result of spontaneous and at-the-spot creativity and interaction.
It is breaking the fourth wall between stage and audience. Even further, the audience/community gets its voice on the stage as a choir following a specific game mechanic.
CoLaboArhon Play is Co-Produced Co-Performed Co-Engaged.
The following diagram flow depicts how all abovementioned phases are interconnected in turning knowledge into emotions and self-development, through changes of behaviour:

Nevertheless, for us is more important depiction of the CoLaboArthon process by the participants’ faces:

Here are more articles on CoLaboArthon