ChaOS is an NGO assembled around a motto
“Science and Art for Humanity and Culture”
Organization Objectives and Mission
ChaOS is an NGO founded with the goal of connecting science and art through realization of transdisciplinary cultural and humane projects and to achieve relevant objectives in the field of science, art, culture, charity, sustainable development, protection of cultural heritage, education, tourism, sport and creative industry.
ChaOS creates a creative space, in which interdisciplinary collaborative artistic pieces are created through a synergy of art and science, with the goal of supporting humane and cultural projects.
Our organization gathers multidisciplinary specialists, scientists, artists and managers in informational areas and creative industry, with the goal of realization and leading interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary creative projects according to our goals.
Through these projects our organization will directly and indirectly deal with education of youth and adults, networking, promotion of cross-border cooperation, integration, assistance to endangered ones, persons with health issues and minorities, deal with addictions of technology and other type of addictions, raising cultural and intellectual consciousness and improving quality of different aspects of community.
Our activities are covering all ages, from the youngest ones, school children, unemployed, workers, up to pensioners, with strong focus on endangered and isolated society members.
ChaOS provides information technology and scientific solutions for fulfilling artistic and cultural ideas, as well as artistic approaches for promotion and increasing engagement and interactivity of scientific projects. We gravitate toward strengthening of a dialog and socio-cultural infrastructure of society as well as expanding and raising cultural, artistic and spiritual consciousness of society.
At ChaOS, we use technology for improvement of experience, with clear direction from technology to human, instead vice versa and instead of insisting on technology “per se”. ChaOS is humane and human-centric.
According to Greek creation myths Chaos (Greek: χάος, khaos) is the initial "gap" created by the original separation of heaven and earth. This disorder is beginning of creation, place to search for inspiration.
In modern world Chaos is a gap in creativity, disharmony between science and art, rational and irrational, the world of reason and the world of emotions, the gap we are trying to bridge, to unite by our organization.
ChaOS implemented and lead several interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary creative projects according to our goals, in which gathered multidisciplinary specialists, scientists, artists and managers in informational areas and creative industry.
See more about our projects
ChaOS has co-organized various workshops around the world focused on Innovation and (Collective) creativity fostering and training. Our approach is - interactive education and education augmented by mobile IT-ecosystems.
We develop methodologies and systems in an agile evolutive way, in lean cycles. Each workshop is accordingly a moment for us to evaluate our approach and system, to learn and to improve it.
See more about our activities

Partners. Cooperations
Here at ChaOS we strongly believe in cooperation and deeply enjoy in synergistic interactions - many of our multidisciplinary projects would not exist without strong network of our partners, or would not be so exciting!
ChaOS is a member of international networks and federations focused on science, art, education, as Protopia and Knowledge Federation
We are proud co-founders of the International ReMaking Tesla Forum
See the full list of our partners
and those specific for some of the projects/initiatives started by ChaOS:
Interested in a cooperation?
We are open and excited about new collaborations.
If you have some ideas, please contact us: