CoLaboArthon and projects developed on top of it - like Poetry on the Road - gathered international consortium of partners and experts. Here we present some of those with whom ChaOS partnered on this
(The list is classified according to the main set of expertise, even though most of the partners and experts are working multidisciplinary)

Belgrade, Serbia
ChaOS is an NGO founded with the goal of connecting science and art through realization of transdisciplinary cultural and humane projects and to achieve relevant objectives in the field of science, art, culture, charity, sustainable development, protection of cultural heritage, education, tourism, sport and creative industry.
Related Activities & Expertise:
Coordination / IT-augmentation / Art+Tech / Digital Humanities and Computational Linguistic / Methodologies design
KF (Knowledge Federation)
Oslo, Norway
Representative: prof. Dino Karabeg, UiO, Norway
Knowledge federation is the creation and use of knowledge as we may need it – to be able to comprehend the increasingly complex world around us; to be able to live and act in it in an informed, sustainable or simply better way.
Our vision is of an informed post-traditional and post-industrial society – where our understanding and handling of the core issues of our lives and times reflect the best available knowledge; where knowledge is created and integrated and applied with that goal in mind; and where information technology is developed and used accordingly.
Related Activities & Expertise: systemic innovation / knowledge management / Epistemology
Chicago, USA
Related Activities & Expertise: SEO / web information retrieval / data analysis / NLP (natural language processing)
Nicosia, Cyprus
The Cyprus Neuroscience & Technology Institute (CNTI), more known with its Trade Name as Future Worlds Center (FWC)
Related Activities & Expertise: SDD (Structural Democratic Dialogue)
Literature/Translation Academic Research
Bowery Arts + Science, Ltd
New York, United States
Bowery Arts + Science / Bowery Poetry Club / represented by Bob Holman, editor of the NYC Poetry Calendar, founding host of the Nuyorican Poets Cafe's Friday Night Slam , and one of the progenitors of digital poetry with The United States of Poetry, Poetry Spots, and Language Matters, opened the Bowery Poetry Club that became a popular meeting place for poets/artists. B.H. was a professor of Writing at The New School for Social Research; Professor of Writing and Integrated Arts at Bard College; at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts - course called "Art and the Public Sphere."; course "Exploding Text: Poetry and Performance" at Princeton University. From 2010 he focused on the Endangered Language Alliance. In 1996 Holman, director Mark Pellington, and producer Joshua Blum teamed up to create "The United States of Poetry"
ChaOS and BAS cooperated on PoetRd and CoLaboArthon vision, including preparation of an exhibition for ERASMUS+ Everyday Heroes in Dresden, Germany.
Related Activities & Expertise: Oral Poetry / Slam Poetry / Performance / Multidisciplinary Art / Interlingual collaboration
BCLT (British Centre for Literary Translation), UEA
Norwich, UK
The only British Translation center dedicated only to the literary translation. Organizing Summer schools in translation and creative writing. Trains translation trainers. Academic Director of BCLT, Duncan Large, is a chair director of the Petra-E network, a European network of institutions dedicated to the education and training of literary translators.
Related Activities & Expertise: Literature Translation research and traiing / Comparative and Stylistic Analysis / Digital Humanities
Nicolaus Copernicus University (NCU)
Toruń, Poland
Laboratory for Comparative Literary and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Languages
For many years we have been working in the field of interpretation of literary works created in various cultural circles. We confront compatible and contradictory descriptions of literature in the area of literary criticism (both in professional literature and in ordinary acts of speech) and in diversified virtual space. When confronting literary interpretations, we confront different interpretative communities (Stanley Fish's term) / thought collectives (the term invented by Ludwik Fleck). We are interested in interpretive strategies and their cultural, ethnic and social diversity. However, we are conducting a discourse not only in the field of literature, we also touch the problem of how we gain knowledge and what are its social and cultural determinants. We are convinced that we gain knowledge in an active way.
Related Activities & Expertise: Comparative Literature / (Inter)Cultural Studies / Multi-truth and multi-interpretative communities
Literature/Poetry Associations
Provide and coordinate poets
Organize panels, workshops and events
Association of Writers of Serbia
Association of Writers of Serbia (UKS) is Serbia's official writing association. It is the oldest (founded in 1905) and the biggest association of writers in Serbia, having more than 1500 members. It was lead by the most famous Serbian writers, including the Nobel Laureate Ivo Andric.
We believe that our joint expertises and modern IT technology will promote and facilitate an international cooperation among creators and writers and allow them to take part in multidisciplinary activities and an important dialogue for citizens of Europe. At the same time the bringing the opportunity for Serbian literature and research to reach European community in novel ways.
Related Activities & Expertise UKS provides experience/expertise relevant to the project, the logistic, and the CoLaboArthon framework, and promote the project to reach its members.
Belgrade, Serbia
POEZIN’S mission is the establishment of a new poetic scene in Serbia and building bridges with similar organizations in the region and the worldwide.
Our mission is realized by mapping of slam poets and poetry performers in Serbia, producing works about slam poetry and the slam scene, organizing slam poetry and performing workshops, realization of slam poetry presentations and networking and cooperation with slam poets and poetry performers from the region and the worldwide.
Related Activities & Expertise: Networking / Long experience in organizing poetry events/performances / Building slam poets online+offline community
Budapest, Hungary
Organizers of the “2018 European Championship" in Slam Poetry. Organizing and managing one of the biggest European Slam scene.
Related Activities & Expertise: Networking / Long experience in organizing poetry events/performances / Building slam poets online+offline community in the region
Slovakia is very strong with performance, writings, making articles, even publishing books . Making civil right performances or actions in two countries now. Founding new poets , translating poetry and matching poetry with video, dance, theatre and activism can provide the project with artists and activists, train them, make performances, and try to connect as much people in Czechoslovakia as they can.
Related Activities & Expertise: Networking / Long experience in organizing poetry events/performances / Building slam poets online+offline community
Theater (Laboratories)
Plavo Theatre
Belgrade, Serbia
PLAVO theatre is a theatre laboratory which ideology is based on principles established by reformers of XX century theatre – Constantin Stanislavsky, Antonin Artaud, Jerzy Grotowski, Eugenio Barba and Odin Teatret, as well as Italian director Massimo Giannetti. Theatre which exists with the idea to serve theatre, not to be its servant, theatre which explores deeper levels of human communication, theatre which has the idea of moving boundaries of human perception, theatre which lives the utopia of reconciliation of anthropology and society, and theatre which presents a critical attitude
Related Activities & Expertise: Theatrical Methodologies / Theatre Laboratory
Wrocław, Poland
Jubilo is a theatre group. The project’s core artistic team consists of actors and musicians from Poland, Canada and Italy.
Jubilo aims to disintegrate these social, economic, language and cultural barriers through the action of artistic encounters, where the platform of exchange is the theatrical language of body, voice and music.
Related Activities & Expertise: Theatrical Methodologies
Theatre Laboratory
Youth Work. Education
Multidimensional Education Institute (IC "MEA")
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
Educational and training programs, seminars, volunteer programs for youth.
organizational skills and experience in carrying out different formats: interactive and lecture formats, games.
The organization works with young people to promote an environmentally friendly life style, the ideas of sustainable development, promotes alternative energy, reduction of consumption low eco footprint, equality and human rights, diversity of cultures.
Its works for youth capacity building and empowerment, for cooperation between different organization working with youth education.
We have long term cooperation on the projects with other NGOs as Regional Network for Sustainable Rural Development, GEN-Russia, GEN-Europe, Russian Permaculture Center.
The MEI is an educational training center that prepares practitioners in the field of humanity and environment. To empower skills and motivation of young people is one of the results of the MEI activity.
Socially Engaged Work (incl. Refugees)
Coordinate refugees
Organize workshops and events
Prague, Czech Republic
migrant-leaded NGOs: empowerment of migrants/refugees, promotion of mutual adaptation and communication between migrants living in the Czech Republic and host society and promoting a healthy, harmonious life at the international, national, community level. Activities are directed to involvement of migrants into volunteering as a tool for integration, empowerment and inter-generational and inter-cultural dialogue. AMIGA have been also involved into EU-level research and educational activities in areas of youth education and employment, civil engagement, psychological/emotional aspects of migration. AMIGA uses creativity / art methods in work, including, art-therapy. AMIGA is expected to contribute to the project by employing it’s wide network of the community stakeholders, academics, media, cultural organizations, etc to facilitate the project, to assure an international involvement.
Related Activities & Expertise: Research and work with migrants / Adaptation and Integration / wide network of the community stakeholders, academics, media, cultural organizations
Lesvos Solidarity
Lesvos, Greece
Related Activities & Expertise: Managing a Refugee camp / Workshops with Refugees / Creative Writing
Olive Branch Arts
London, UK
Related Activities & Expertise: working with refugees from Sahara / providing refugee poets and ref. art on the topic: photos, poetry
Увек са децом (Always with Children)
Belgrade, Serbia
founded in 1991 as an Association of citizens that help children who are being treated in the children's department at the Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia.
Children around the world are not spared of malignant diseases - in developed countries, they are on the second place as the cause of death of children aged 0-15, i.e. immediately behind unfortunate cases. For this reason, the proper knowledge about these diseases and the adequate efforts of the whole community in modern treatment and care for these children is a mirror of the development, not only of the health services, but also of the maturity of the whole society.
Bob Holman
Affiliation: Bowery Arts + Science, Ltd / USA
Bob Holman is an American poet and poetry activist, most closely identified with the oral tradition, the spoken word, and poetry slam. As a promoter of poetry in many media, Holman has spent the last four decades working variously as an author, editor, publisher, performer, emcee of live events, director of theatrical productions, producer of films and television programs, record label executive, university professor, and archivist. He was described by Henry Louis Gates Jr. in The New Yorker as
"the postmodern promoter who has done more to bring poetry to cafes and bars than anyone since Ferlinghetti."
a Professor of Writing at The New School for Social Research; later Visiting Professor of Writing and Integrated Arts at Bard College; In 2007, as a Visiting Professor at New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, teaching a course called "Art and the Public Sphere." From 2010 he focused on the Endangered Language Alliance. Holman is teaching "Exploding Text: Poetry and Performance" at Princeton University. In 1996 Holman, director Mark Pellington, and producer Joshua Blum teamed up to create "The United States of Poetry"
Ivanka Radmanovic
Affiliation: Association of Writers of Serbia
a member of the Association of Writers of Serbia, and the Association of Scientific and Technical Translators of Serbia. she has published three collections of poetry, quickly establishing herself as a respected poet in the Serbian literary circles. Her book “Heavenly Cage” received the prestigious Serbian Literary Award Milan Rakic in 2015.
She translates from English and Serbian. She is especially interested in a multimedia approach to arts and literature through innovative technologies that create new interactions.
Lazar Kovacevic
Affiliation: Inverudio, USA
an independent researcher with a focus on application of IT technology to education, creativity, collaboration, social action, etc. He has done many projects in areas of (web) information retrieval systems, text analysis and natural language processing, machine learning, data mining, collaboration, etc. He enjoys participating in multidisciplinary environments and working on interdisciplinary solutions to real world problems. He co-authored several papers discussing creative features in time series ranging from physical and biological to physiological and psychological processes (i.e. healthy heart shows more creative features than unhealthy). He developed algorithms for increasing diversity of perspectives in search results.
Marc Smith
Chicago, USA
is an American poet and founder of the poetry slam movement, for which he received the nickname Slam Papi. (So what?!)
Smith started at an open mic night at the Get Me High lounge in November 1984 called the Monday Night Poetry Reading. Even as poets scoffed at artists "performing" their work, rather than genteelly "reading" it, the event grew in popularity. Smith saw his approach as an "up yours" to establishment poets he considered snooty and effete, because at their events, "no one was listening".
According to Smith, who once attended a conventional reading with his manuscripts concealed inside a newspaper,
The very word 'poetry' repels people. Why is that? Because of what schools have done to it. The slam gives it back to the people.... We need people to talk poetry to each other. That's how we communicate our values, our hearts, the things that we've learned that make us who we are.
François Matarasso
independent writer and researcher, UK
with a long career in arts practice, theory and policy. Between 1979 and 1994, he worked as artist and producer in community arts, before moving to consultancy and research, where he undertook groundbreaking work in the evaluation and social outcomes of arts participation, notably in Use or Ornament? (1997).
Since 1994, he has worked for many clients ranging from the World Bank and the Council of Europe to the South Bank Centre and Aberdeenshire Council. He has also served on the boards of bodies such as NESTA, Arts Council England, and an Arts and Humanities Research Council programme.
François' work is recognised internationally through extensive publication, translation, academic positions, and conference invitations: he has worked in more than 35 countries, from Eastern Europe to Japan, Colombia, Australia and Burkina Faso.
Lydia Xourafi
Affiliation: Lesvos Solidarity, Greece
a qualitative researcher and a theater educator; studied psychology and theater arts. graduated from the Master Program in Social Science - Psychology (Lund University, Sweden); worked as a social researcher and activities facilitator in multiple contexts such as ESPON project “Territorial and Urban Potentials Connected to Migration and Refugee Flows”, Intercultural Centre for the Promotion of Refugee Integration “PYXIS”, Greek Council for Refugees, Project Otherness - Copenhagen International School of Performing Arts (action research), Athens University of Economic and Business and Institute of Research and Psychotherapy – Logo Psychis.
She presented her work in a number of conferences. She is interested in the combination of social research, narrative inquiry and theater practices as a mean for empowerment of vulnerable populations. Currently, she is working as an applied theater educator and as a social scientist in Lesvos Solidarity NGO.
prof. Mathieu Barthet
Affiliation: Queen Mary University of London - QMUL
Lecturer in Music Production. Core member of the Audio Commons Initiative that aims at bringing Creative Commons audio content to the creative industries.
Research Interests: MIR (music information retrieval), HCI (human computer interaction), music perception, augmented/virtual reality, IoMusT (internet of musical things)
prof. George Fazekas
Affiliation: Queen Mary University of London - QMUL
Senior Lecturer in Music Standards, Protocols and Ontology. Core member of the Audio Commons Initiative that aims at bringing Creative Commons audio content to the creative industries.
Research Interests: Semantic Audio, Digital Signal Processing, Machine Learning, and various knowledge representation and knowledge sharing technologies such as Semantic Web Ontologies, Linked-data, knowledge-based reasoning and the Semantic Web.
Jack Park
Affiliation: TopicQuest, USA
Designer of TopicMap XML standardization. Co-founder of TopicQuest and Knowledge Federation
RnD (Research and development) interests: Knowledge Federation and Gardening, and design of environments for gamified knowledge federation guilds.
dr Yiannis Laouris
Affilitaion: CNTI, Cyprus
a social, science and business entrepreneur, a neuroscientist and systems engineer. He is Member of the Board of the Institute for 21st Century Agoras, Insafe, INHOPE, EU Kids Online, ECSO, Cybercrime Centre of Excellence, ECTEG – Europol, and served as national representative in several COST Actions, etc. He is one of the 12 authors of the ONLIFE Manifesto drafted on behalf of the Digital Futures Task Force of the European Commission, which now guides EC funding priorities, as well as political and societal priorities in the hyper-connectivity era. Yiannis is an international leader in the theory and application of the science of structured democratic dialogue (SDD) and conducts research towards developing systems to enable scaling up participatory dialogic processes to engage asynchronously thousands of people in meaningful authentic dialogues, thus accelerating institutional and societal change.
prof. Nisha Ramayya
Affiliation: Queen Mary University of London - QMUL
Teaching Creative Writing 1, Creative Writing (Poetry) 2, Poetry at Work.
Research Interests: Contemporary and Experimental Poetry and Poetics, Critical Race Theory and Black Study, Feminist and Queer Theory. Visual, Sound, and Video Poetry, and Performance.
prof. Dino Karabeg
Affiliation: UiO / Norway Co-founder of the Knowledge Federation
Results in physics and cognitive science challenge the foundations on which the academic tradition has developed. Information technology allows us to organize the production and distribution of knowledge in completely new ways. In these circumstances a new academic frontier opens up, where we are called upon to create the very ways in which we are practicing our profession. Since 1995 prof. D. Karabeg has been working as a prospector on this frontier, developing a portfolio of creative directions.
Research Interests: Global issues such as the climate change, or the 'world problematique' as the Club of Rome called them, Information technology, knowledge management and federation. Prototyping complex social ecosystems.
prof. Bojana Skorc
Affiliation: FLU / Serbia
A professor, teaching Psychology and Psychology of Art at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Belgrade and several other Faculties.
Author of the book Creativity in Interaction
Multidisciplinary Dialogue. (2010) Coomunity arts in Higher Education: Inclusive practice, International perspectives, April. University of Winchester. UK
Research Interests: Psychology of Art, Developmental and social psychology, psychology of creativity and interactive education.
Sinisa Rudan, MSc
Affiliation: ChaOS, NGO / Serbia
an international speaker, educator, researcher, IT developer, and a poetry performer. His scientific research is in the domain of collaboration and creativity, applied on socio-technical and systems for social good/activism. By profession he is an IT M.Sc. He leads several art-science multidisciplinary projects. He was a participant, a mentor, and an organizer of several performance workshops and poetry courses. He’s performed his poetry across three continents and 15 countries. He pursues his interests through several regional and international positions:
- Co-founder of “ReMaking Tesla - Practices that make a Genius” - International Forum of Interactive and IT-Augmented Education;
- Co-founder of Protopia Lab Serbia/Norway, and member of Protopia International Core Team
- Project manager of “Poezin Slam Company” and performs as a one of its members.
Sasa Rudan, MSc
Affiliation: Researcher @ Queen Mary University of London - QMUL, Oslo University
a transdisciplinary researcher and artist (poet and painter) working to develop understanding, communication in improving society. He is researching and practicing with a wide range of community’s social mechanisms, ways of integrating and practicing art, performance and creativity in the process of innovation and scaling complex social problems. With his collaborators he is practicing a trans-domain fusion of both with real-world methodologies and artifacts together with online tools and services. He just delivered his Ph.D. thesis at Oslo University, Norway called: “Self-organizing Collective Mind - Paradigm Shifting in Designing, Developing and Practicing Collaboration”. He specializes in collaborative socio-technical systems (be it architecting and conducting research on them, leading transdisciplinary production teams, or taking on the role of an entrepreneur) that relates to social-processes, knowledge sharing, innovation, business-process management & optimization, and research modeling.
Dimitrije Bukvic

Dimitrije Bukvić is an MA in sociology, short story writer and journalist.
In the CoLaboArthon Consortium he occupies a consultative role, mostly on methodology topics (e. g. survey construction and interpretation of questionnaires).
Author of the books: 1968 – 50 Years Later (Šezdeset osma – pedeset godina posle), Every Single One Wins (Svaka dobija), Tavernological Table / The Checkered Tablecloth (Kafanološki astal / karirani stolnjak, co-authored with Prof. Dragoljub B. Đorđević). His short stories have been published in anthologies and magazines in Serbia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, and Montenegro, and translated into Albanian and Macedonian. Literary awards: Serbian Pen (Srpsko pero), National Library Bor Short Story Competition, writing contest Miodrag Borisavljević.
His sociological papers have been published in a few relevant scientific journals in Serbia and Montenegro. Fun fact: originally published in Politika daily from Belgrade, his newspaper article about writer Jelena J. Dimitrijević was reprinted in a Serbian textbook for elementary schools.
prof. Mojisola Adebayo FRSL
Affiliation: Queen Mary University of London - QMUL
Teaching: Performance Texts in Practice, Theatre Writings, Making Contemporary Theatre, Applied Performance
Research Interests: Theatre making, Theatre for social change, ‘Afriquia’ / black queer theatre and performance, Theatres of the African diaspora, Creating accessible and inclusive theatre.
Mikhail Kozharinov
Mikhail is a general director and a founder of the NGO and company "Educational Bureau - Soling" (Солинг).
He is an author and head of integrated gaming-practices, educational, consulting projects and programs for leading:
- Russian universities (MGIMO, NRNU MEPI, Peter the Great SPbPU, TPU (Tomsk), KFU, etc.) (МГИМО, НИЯУ МИФИ, СпбПУ им. Петра Великого, ТПУ (г.Томск), КФУ) and
- companies (Rosatom, RZD, Rosnano, Kivi etc.) (Росатом, РЖД, Роснано, Киви)
He is co-founder of the international educational movement ProtopiaLabs.
The author and co-founder of the Russian igroprakticheskoy school, foresight methodology, the founder of the private innovative school "Perspective" (Перспектива) and the international educational project "Metaversity" (Метаверситет).
Author of the book "Sketches of informal social-engineering" ("Очерки неформальной социотехники") and many others.
Oleg Muromtsev
Oleg is an education practitioner, business and team consultant, physicist. Co-founder and head of LLC Metaversity, methodologist, head of Human Development and Ingria to Universities (I2U) directions in business incubator “Ingria”, one of initiators and leaders of EShcER immersive school of development, GEF/ team member. Oleg is working with student’s internship in “Ingria” business incubator and HSE SPb University and coordinating and leading Ingria Startup Academy (also as a partnership between Metaversity, Ingria and HSE). He has been facilitating group processes for more than 10 years, works with universities’ faculties as a curriculum developer and education and research manager and moderator. He is also one of the leaders of the urban commune «Sredny house» and a member of alternative lifestyles movement. Physics (R&D in sphere of mass-spectrometry for 10 years), musician, singer-songwriter, poet.
Maria Rodinova
Maria Rodinova is an expert in the field of (gamification) ("игродел") and in the introduction of practical (project) activities in educational processes; an active co-organizer of the international educational movement Protopia Labs, moderator, manager and administrator of projects.
She has an expertise in financial and economic security (NRNU MEPI, 2010), but for more than 10 years she has been successfully engaged in gamification and its application in universities and business.
The most exciting projects at "Soling" are the launch of the international educational movement Protopia Labs (Protopia Labs) and Futuriser (Futuraizer), as well as the development and conduct of social simulators (metagames).
For her, the main value of the work at "Soling" is the mission and ideology of "Soling" (and the group "Metaversity" (Метаверситет)): a new education will build a new world. Her life credo is: to fight and search, find and not give up.
Yohanna Joseph Waliya

Yohanna Joseph Waliya is a Nigerian digital poet, novelist, playwright, winner of the Janusz Korczak Prize for Global South 2020, ELO Research Fellow and UNESCO Janusz Korczak Fellow . He writes in English and French. Among his works are : La révolte de vie, @TinyKorczak, Climatophosis (digital poetry-The best use of Digital humanities for fun 2020) etc. He's a curator of MAELD & ADELD (, Director of AELA & ADELI and a CoLaboArthon representative for Africa.
The work of Yohanna Joseph Waliya on CoLaboArthon includes: collaboration on African Electronic Literature Festival of Interactive Poetry - CoLaboArthon, collaboration on AELAIWC 2021 conference, Nigeria, and Climathon Belgrade.