Sustainable Development is the constitutional element of the ChaOS mission.
ChaOS does not only educate on sustainable development itself - we recognized the 4 pillars of sustainable development (social, cultural, economical, and environmental) as matching our own holistic, balanced approach to change, to our actions, and education. The same goes for the Remaking Tesla - the International Forum of interactive and IT-Augmented Education, that ChaOS co-founded.
We evangelize the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) as an
inter-cultural alphabet of the activism, (sustainable) development, and change for social good.
Thus, we identify SDGs as a starting point for mapping and clustering the social, environmental, and other issues/challenges, and often as a starting point of a dialogue. We integrate SDGs into our activities of inspiring people for collective activism.
ChaOS and ReMaking Tesla teams went even further - we developed IT technology and methodology, and gamification tools, based on sust. dev and SDGs, that have been used on several workshops and trainings, on topics of sustainable collective activism, climate change, socially engaged art, our approach to goals-driven intrinsic civil courage, coaching with compassion, collective performance, entrepreneurship, etc, held in Europe and USA.
The current flagship of ChaOS' activities in the field is Climathon Belgrade.
Climathon is the biggest collective climate action taking place in over 145 cities in 55 countries on all continents. Climathon Belgrade is supported by City of Belgrade, Secretariat for Environmental Protection, Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, and many other partners.
Sust. dev and SDGs were in the focus of our activities throughout the last few years and a pivotal point of the ReMaking Tesla on Tour 2018.
Our work on Sustainable Development was acknowledged by honoring "ReMaking Tesla" as a Cross-Cultural Ambassador of UNESCO Club at Sorbonne University.
In the text below we list both projects/products and activities that ChaOS and Remaking Tesla teams developed and executed in this field
Research fields
The research interests implemented in our work on sustainable develompent include:
- Discovery-driven learning
- Machine learning
- Natural Language Processing
- Human–computer interaction (HCI)
- Self-determination theory
- business modeling methodologies
- (particapatory) action research
- multiple evaluation methodologies
- (collective) creativity - support methodologies and IT-technology
- Intentional Change Theory
- Computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL)
- Systemic thinking
- social constructivist turn educative & developmental approaches
Research portfolio
Our 'research and action' results in the field of Sustainable Development were accepted and presented at the infamous IEEE GHTC (Global Humanitarian Technology Conference). That part of our work there focused on the Social Pillar (more precisely SDG 1 No Poverty, SDG 2 Zero Hunger, SDG 4, SDG 10 etc, with a socio-technical solutions empowering SDG 17 Partnership for the Goals)
The 9th IEEE GHTC 2019 is an international flagship conference sharing practical technology enabled solutions addressing the needs of underserved populations and resource constrained environments around the world and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG).
Work of our team that demonstrates our SDGs usage in Socially Engaged Art+Science is also accepted at the ELO2019 International Conference, Ireland (organized by ELO)
Our team monitors, performs statistical analysis, and perform research on how SDG Awareness influences social activism processes at workshops, by using Machine Learning and NLP, and more.

Projects / Products
Climathon Belgrade
Climathon is the biggest collective climate action taking place in over 145 cities in 55 countries on all continents.
Climathon Belgrade is supported by City of Belgrade, Secretariat for Environmental Protection, Chamber of Commerce of Serbia, and many other partners.
Illustrated Report from the Climathon Belgrade 2020:
Illustrated Report from the Climathon Belgrade 2019/20:
Play Sustainability!
IT-Supported Edu-game - Workshop
In an exciting way, participants learn to solve challenges required to bring balance in preserving the environment, economical excelling, bringing cultural vibrance, and social benefits. This IT-supported interactive game develops Sustainable Development skills through creative teamwork.
More info and photos at
NCA - Networking for Collective Activism
NCA is a toolset enabling networking, ad-hoc groups creation, and clustering, driven by shared interests.
It is used as an educational method, a serendipity empowering tool, as a warm-up event at workshops, forums, conferences, and especially for development of collective activism, driven by SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).
It is used as a simple **mobile application **supported by server-side socio-technical ecosystem, offering visualization of results and gamification of networking.
It helps us to learn about each other goals and to connect us through them. It enables participants to discover what are their inner goals related to the event, to embody them, to network intrinsically in a gamified way through shared goals, and to turn goals into collective actions with peers found through the process. NCA offers a first step on the journey from ideas and dialogue to immediate collective actions.
It is part of the ReMaking Tesla research on groups and communities formation, clustering, teams efficiency, and motivation for collective and multidisciplinary actions.
It is used at several eco+activism forums, including Forum Vlasina (500+ participants), Performing The World (New York, US), as a part of entrepreneurship and civil courage trainings.
It's unique by benefiting both from usage of the cutting-edge technology and ice-breaking and simple embodying performance techniques to connect both in a semantical and a warm opening way.

Performative Dialogue - from Goals to Action
(a Socio-Technical Toolset for Creation of Collective Performance through a Gamified Dialogue, also known as Performing Sustainable CoEvolution (PSC))
This is a toolset (a method supported by the Colabo-Space IT-ecosystem) that enables participants to explore their individual goals/dreams, to embody them and turn into collective vision and action. They create a performative dialogue out of their inherent goals and dreams. It is used to train participants in an ad-hoc creation of an engaged collective performances (a form of a Participatory Socially Engaged Art/Practice)
Participants start with researching the knowledge domain and topics of interest, go through coached individual dreaming, to collective playing/performing and IT-supported gamified dialogue (making the progress on the road of “problem+challenge → understanding+knowledge → performance+reaching society”)
By identify the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) as a starting point for mapping and clustering the social, environmental, and other issues/challenges, we mostly base this toolset on SDGs - enabling participants to learn in a gamified way about sustainable development and about themselves and their goals in activism, all this through coaching toward vision of a desired future.
Methodology applied:
Our approach to Coaching with Compassion and Intentional Change Theory (enabling participants to explore their inner-goals and to connect them with possible actions, especially those they can start collectively with the peers at the event), our DialoGame toolset, supported by IT-science (usе of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and NLP (for texts-dreams analyses and matching), Vygotsky's “a head taller” approach, Grotowski’s Poor Theatre approaches practiced by ReMaking Tesla co-founders Plavo Theatre.
It is built on top of the CoLaboArthon and according to (Minkler, 2000) a toolset fitting Participatory Action Research (PAR) - by being:
- participatory;
- cooperative,
- co-learning process for researchers and community members;
- a method for systems development and local community capacity building;
- an empowering process through which participants can increase control over their lives by nurturing community strengths and problem-solving abilities; and
- a way to balance research and action.
Practiced at
several conferences and forums, including PerformingTheWorld (New York, US), Everyday Heroes ERASMUS+ training on Civil Courage, Dresden, Germany.
References for the applied Methodologies
- Chen, B., Vansteenkiste, M., Beyers, W., Boone, L., Deci, E. L., Van der Kaap-Deeder, J., ... & Ryan, R. M. (2015). Basic psychological need satisfaction, need frustration, and need strength across four cultures. Motivation and Emotion, 39(2), 216-236.
- Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1997). Flow and the psychology of discovery and invention. HarperPerennial, New York, 39.
- Engelbart, D., & Ruilifson, J. (1999). Bootstrapping our collective intelligence. ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 31(4es), 38.
- Judge, T. A., & Ilies, R. (2002). Relationship of personality to performance motivation: A meta-analytic review. Journal of applied psychology, 87(4), 797.
- MacDonald, C. (2012). Understanding participatory action research: A qualitative research methodology option. The Canadian Journal of Action Research, 13(2), 34-50.
- McCrae, R. R., & Costa Jr, P. T. (1989). Reinterpreting the Myers‐Briggs type indicator from the perspective of the five‐factor model of personality. Journal of personality, 57(1), 17-40.
- Minkler, M. (2000). Using participatory action research to build healthy communities. Public health reports, 115(2-3), 191.
- Moore, M. T. (1985). The relationship between the originality of essays and variables in the problem-discovery process: A study of creative and noncreative middle school students. Research in the Teaching of English, 84-95.
- Newman, F., & Holzman, L. (2013). Lev Vygotsky (classic edition): Revolutionary scientist. Psychology Press.
- Rose, G. (2016). Visual methodologies: An introduction to researching with visual materials. sage.
- Vygotsky, L. S. (1980). Mind in society: The development of higher psychological processes. Harvard university press.
- Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American psychologist, 55(1), 68.
- Sawyer, R. K. (2009). Writing as a collaborative act. The psychology of creative writing, 166-179.
Trainings. Workshops. Conferences
Forum Vlasina
year 2017 and 2018
Youth Eco Camp at Vlasina Lake, Serbia
500+ International participants
ChaOS and ReMaking Tesla are partners in organization of the Forum Vlasina, with roles of providing 1) “innovative technological support” and 2) “innovation of educational methodology”.
We have been providing our expertise and technology for education of youth, rising sustainable development awareness and motivating youth for sustainable collective activism.
Participants used our NCA mobile app, were trained through Play-sustainability edu-game, demonstrating sustainable approach to technology and environment. They started dialogue on possible joint activism in the field of social development and started developing and presenting the projects. Participants were trained on collective creativity and innovation and practiced it through CoLaboArthon. They were working on solving real world problems through the prism of SDGs.
Research Findings from Forum Vlasina
We have also performed SUS evaluation (Brooke, 1996) during this EvoLuation. We've got reasonably high result of 78.095.
In terms of the absolute judgement, i.e the appropriate SUS adjective (Bangor, 2009), we can conclude that we may mark the evaluaation of the Colabo.Space in this EvoLuation instance as (very) good, close to excelent.
We have also performed CSI evaluation (Carroll et al., 2009) to determine how much our ecosystem of methodologies and IT-technologies supports creativity. Six factors (Effort, Expressiveness, Exploration, Immersion, Enjoyment, and Collaboration) were evaluated, and the overall result was very good 79.17 / 100.

Un/Balancing complex systems: Which data to look for? How to build thriving knowledge communities?
Transdisciplinary workshop - Ramon Sangüesa, Paz Tornero, Stella Veciana, Dino Karabeg, Sasha Rudan, Sinisa Rudan, BunB’16, Manizales, Colombia, 2016
BunB Conference, 2016, Manizales, Colombia
Balance-Unbalance (BunB) is an annual International Conference designed around art and design as catalysts to explore intersections between nature, science, technology, and society. Every year, the focus is on one or more major current challenges surrounding the ecological crisis and discipline-transcending cooperation. The Balance-Unbalance conference brings together artists, designers, scientists, economists, philosophers, politicians, policymakers, sociologists, entrepreneurs and technologists from the world, based on the conviction that greater ecological awareness can be created through joint efforts. The conference focuses on debate, new insights and finding innovative solutions for issues arising from the global climate crisis.
Our participatory action research was performed on the topic of finding sustainability, a balance of opposing approaches of economic development (oil extraction) versus environmental preservation (Amazon forests), and socio-cultural preserving tribes lifestile. Our action research team gave a presentation, designed and executed a workshop about shared knowledge creation and co-creative dialogue on the above topic, working closely on the issue of the Yasuni National Park (Ecuador) - Yasuní-ITT Initiative.
Objectives: Practicing art+science collaboration with the Colabo.Space system; solving complex problems
Sustainable Entrepreneurship
ChaOS/ReTesla efforts in the area of Sustainable Entrepreneurship spans through several years, including giving trainings and projects development at Futurizer Riga, Latvia, event in 2016. Our methodology of CoEvoLudens is both used for trainings and further developed.
Activities continued through Forum Vlasina and Tesla Eko Forum.
Business Angelina (Sustainable Development inspiring Business)
Sremski Karlovci Town Hall, 2018
Development and promotion of innovative female entrepreneurship in the local community
organized by
ChaOS/ReTesla team trained for 2 days female entrepreneurs and those that wanted to become ones.
Participants used our mobile app NCA for networking on shared goals for collective problem-solving. They were trained in Collective Creativity, approaching challenges of their business in an Innovative and Creative way, methodologies for collective problem solving (including Brainstorming - Nominal Group Techniques)
They were also trained in creative approaches toward marketing through elements of Play-sustainability! edu-game and CoLaboArthon, and in leading structured yet gamified dialogues in DialoGame.
They were inspired and trained to model their business ideas toward sustainability - to consider Sustainable Development (Goals) - to connect their business with their inner vision and passion, in order to support crowdfunding, international funds and motivation for volunteers, and to bring social good.
Participants practiced approaches toward more focused, sustainable, and stress-free entrepreneurship - through Somatopsychological approach.
Research Findings from Business Angelina
We have performed SUS evaluation (Brooke, 1996) during this EvoLuation. We have got the result of 73.75.
In terms of the absolute judgment, i.e. the appropriate SUS adjective (Bangor, 2009), we can conclude that we may mark the evaluation of the Colabo.Space in this EvoLuation instance as (very) good, what can make us satisfied, taking in mind the average demographics of this EvoLuation (in terms of not fully smartphone savvy participants).
We have also performed CSI evaluation (Carroll et al., 2009) to determine how much our ecosystem of methodologies and IT-technologies supports creativity. Six factors (Effort, Expressiveness, Exploration, Immersion, Enjoyment, and Collaboration) were evaluated, and the overall result was very high: 86.4 / 100.

Tesla Eco Forum
Mountain Goch, Serbia
Septembar 2017, August, 2018
ReMaking Tesla Team was bringing awareness to SDGs and sustainable development based on Four Pillars: Economy, Society, Culture and Environment.
Participants were trained by practicing networking on SDGs by using NCA mobile app, have been trained through Play-sustainability edu-game.
Our team gave a presentation on Collective Creativity and Innovation.

Performing the World - Let’s Develop!
New York, USA, 2018
official PTW announcement of our workshop:
At the influential conference gathering 300+ world-wide participants, our team was honored by acceptance of our workshop that addressed the “Let’s Develop!” call.
Through our Collective Performance for Sustainable Development workshop, we educated the participants on the principles of sustainable development (SDGs) and multidisciplinarity. Participants started with NCA networking around SDGs. Coaching with compassion connected the collectively generated sustainable development ideas with the dreams of individual participants. Through our gamification methodologies for collective creativity, the participants were inspired to think through roles of experts in the four pillars of sustainable development (Culture, Environment, Economy, and Society). They created materials for the the final collective performance - an emotional call for action. The outcomes were further guided by Engelbart's vision of co-evolution.
The process was augmented by PlaySound and AudioCommons initiatives by QMUL, UK, connecting through Colabo.Space, the performers at the workshop with composers around the world.

Sustainability Engaged Writers/Artists
a dialogue of awarded international writers and communities over humane and touching topics inspired among others, by Sustainable Development Goals (created by United Nations Dev. Programme).
In partnership with Association of Writers of Serbia (UKS) and the CoLaboArthon Consortium.
Eco-Play&Performance & Visualization
Tesla Eco Forum, Goch Mountain
Participants were developing visualization (a skill that enabled Nikola Tesla many of his breakthroughs) through visualization of processes in nature, trees. The process was guided to an eco-performance+play introduced by eco-poem, playing and embodying frustration of a tree (a person) being wrapped in plastic bags with cognitive and experiential/subconscious participation of the group.
Everyday Heroes
Dresden, Germany
ERASMUS+ project
Civil courage training
ChaOS/ReMaking executed the training as a partner of for participants from Albania, the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Denmark, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, and the United Kingdom.
We organized the training according to our approach to intrinsic goals-driven civil courage and our approach to sustainable collective activism, socially engaged art, all based on SDGs.
The training is valuable as we designed a unique flow that is augmented with CoEvoLudens and supported with various methodologies: NCA, Performative Dialogue - from Goals to Action, ICT, coaching with compassion, collective performance, and gamification tools. We practiced various face-to-virtual activities and worked on creativity loops together with scholars of art. Eventually, we were able to evaluate the results of creativity support of our training.
The workshop elements were designed partially on Vygotsky's “a head taller” approach, but also on Grotowski’s Poor Theatre approaches practiced by ReMaking Tesla co-founders Plavo Theatre.
We focused on the social pillar of sustainable development - and we accompanied the training by the exhibition of Poetry on the Road project - International poetic Collaboration on Refugees and Migrants.
More details, flow visualization, and creativity support results at:

Eco Meeting
Vlasina Lake, Serbia
September, 2018
a presentation and networking on ecological topics, including circular economy.
Technology for Social Good - Initiative
(Socially Engaged Technology)
a set of panels and a hackathon being developed by ReMaking Tesla / ChaOS and partners
(open call for contribution and partnering)