Sini Sha! (aka Sinisha Rudan)
is a socially/eco engaged poet, short stories writer, (slam) poetry performer, artivist (artist+activist), an international speaker, researcher, and educator. He is devoted to artistic and scientific research in the field of collective creativity, collaboration, innovation, performance activism, and performance for (community) development. Profession: MasterSci, Computer Sciences.
His poetry and short stories are awarded and published in books as well as international journals, from Italy to India, including International Literary Magazine Formafluens, published in cooperation with the Italian Association of Writers. He performed them as a finalist at multiple international festivals.

Sini Sha! performs his poetry across 4 continents and more than 15 countries: Serbia, Croatia, USA (New York, "Nuyorican Poets Café", an international symbol of Slam poetry scene), Vienna, London, Athens, Budapest, Norway, Nigeria, Russia, Zurich, Malta, Cyprus, India, Latvia, Portugal, Slovenia, Germany, Ireland, Nigeria, and Italy. His poetry is translated and he performs in English, German, Spanish, Italian and Serbian languages.
He won/shared 2nd place at the National Competition for the Best Serbian Slam Poet (Novi Sad, 2014) as well as bronze at the Slam Poetry Festival, Qualifications for European Championship Slam Poetry (Belgrade, 2013).
Sini Sha! participated as a poet and a painter at the Festival internazionale di poesia di Milano (Italy, 2018), The Electronic Literature Organization Conference & Media Arts Festival (Ireland, 2019), and African Electronic Literature Alliance International Workshop Conference (Nigeria, 2021).
He is an organizer/mentor of several poetry / performing workshops and courses, most of them in the form of CoLaboArthon and supported by Colabo.Space. Both are results of research and development of socio-technical (IT) systems by Sinisha and his team, to enable collective poetry writing, art and performance creation - across borders and languages, as well as for supporting collective creativity, multidisciplinary dialogue and social good.
He has been writing since 1994, but already in 1997 he won 2nd place at the State Poetry competition. He was chosen among 10 best young poets by the jury of Radio Belgrade. He still doesn’t have the patience for longer forms, so he writes poetry and short stories.
He was trained by Marc Smith, founder of Slam Poetry. Sinisa paints - he is inspired by surrealism and expressionism.

He pursues his interests through several regional and international positions:
- Co-founder of ChaOS - an NGO uniting artists and scientists on cultural and humane projects;
- Co-Creator of the CoLaboArthon - (digital) ecosystem used by poets, artists, and researchers to co-create around the world;
- Co-founder of “ReMaking Tesla - Practices that make a Genius” Intl. Forum of Interactive and IT-Augmented Education on Collective Creativity and Innovation;
- Project manager of “Poezin Slam Company” and performs as one of its members;
- Chair of the Climathon Belgrade Organizing Committee. The Climathon is the biggest Collective Climate Action in the world;
- Co-founder of Protopia Lab Serbia/Norway, and member of Protopia International Core Team;
- Knowledge Federation, an international organization for systemic innovation;
- PPLG (Play/Perform/Learn/Grow-Creative community practices) Conference - organizing (media) team member;
- AELAIWC (African Electronic Literature Alliance Intl. W. Conference) organizing team member.