ChaOS and ReMakingTesla proudly support AELAIWC 2021 and MAELD & ADELD

AELAIWC 2021 - Call for Participation

conference link

In recent times, increased attention is being paid to digital technologies, especially how they impact research and innovation in the fields of natural and human sciences, and more recently how these tools enhance affect the mechanics and dynamics of our day-to-day activities. Scholars across diverse fields have equally tapped into the potential of digital tools in their research as well as teaching and learning. In furtherance of this, human science researchers from the domain of literature have been engaging the available tools and have also been fashioning out diverse means whereby scholarship in electronic literature can be advanced. It is within this framework that the Centre for Digital Humanities University of Lagos (CEDHUL), Nigeria & University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah, Morocco, are organising the First African Electronic Literature Alliance International Workshop Conference (AELAIWC 2021).

African Electronic Literature Alliance (AELA) is an association of all African e-literary and interactive digital art enthusiasts, scholars, independent scholars/artists and postgraduate students across the globe who are projecting African worldviews in interactive digital arts and electronic literatures.

Theme: Digital Tools & Hypertext Praxis in African Digital Literature
Conference Date: 22nd–25th November, 2021
Venue: University of Lagos, Nigeria/University Sidi Mohammed Ben Abdellah, Morocco (Virtual/in person)
Conference Language: Conference Language: French, Arabic & English

African Electronic Literature Alliance International Workshop Conference (AELAIWC 2021): Call for Participation
is an online/in person workshop and lectures designed to train and form all African scholars, electronic literature artists, digital poets and students in the field of African Electronic Literature(AEL), African Diasporic Electronic literature (ADELI) by providing them with opportunities to learn digital creative writing, connect with peers around the world and established electronic literature experts, and explore computational creativity in literature. The workshop will be divided into four-day intensive hour lecture, 30 minutes break, self-practice for an hour 30 minutes. Then, lecturer comments on 2-3 participants ' works in 30 minutes. It means, lecturer 's time is 1hr 30 minutes. All lectures will be presented on the first and second days of the conference (22-23). The training workshop will be on the third and fourth days 24-25th and in the morning of the 25th whereas the Festival will be in the evening of the 25th.

The African Electronic Literature Festival (AELF) showcases for free the best works of all the participants created during the conference on the Multilingual African Electronic Literature Database and African Diasporic Electronic Literature Database (MAELD & ADELD).

Please download more information about the conference including the scedule below:

MAELD & ADELD Created by Yohanna Jospeh Waliya

©AELA & ADELI,2021 (Licence CC BY-NC-SA